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speech and action中文是什么意思

用"speech and action"造句"speech and action"怎么读"speech and action" in a sentence


  • 言与行
  • "speech"中文翻译    n. 1.言语;说话;谈话;说话能力(或方式)。 2.民 ...
  • "action"中文翻译    n. 1.动作,活动;行为,行动。 ★ act 指一次所 ...
  • "action speech and thought" 中文翻译 :    三业
  • "slow of speech but quick in action" 中文翻译 :    讷于言而敏于行
  • "no speech" 中文翻译 :    无言
  • "speech" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.言语;说话;谈话;说话能力(或方式)。 2.民族语言,方言,专门语言;〔罕用语〕流言。 3.演说,演讲;发言。 4.【语言学】词(类);引语;用语。 5.(乐器的)音,音色。 Everybody has the right to give speech to his feelings. 人人有说出他的感情的权力。 Speech is silver, silence is gold. 〔谚语〕畅言是银,沉默是金。 a man of rapid [slow] speech 口齿流利[迟钝]的人。 an opening [a closing] speech 开幕[闭幕]辞。 parts of speech 【语法】词类。 a speech community 使用某种特有语言(或方言)的集团。 freedom of speech 言论自由。 deliver [make] a speech 演说。 find one's speech 能说话;说得出话。 give speech to 说出。 have speech of (a person) 和…谈话。 lose [recover] one's speech 丧失[恢复]说话能力。
  • "speech and" 中文翻译 :    口业
  • "such a speech" 中文翻译 :    此种冗长的演说
  • "the speech" 中文翻译 :    演讲96
  • "action" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.动作,活动;行为,行动。 ★ act 指一次所作的行为;action 虽与 act 同义,但多半指某一期间内出现数次的行动;累积而成的 action 叫做 conduct. 2.举动,态度,姿势。 3.主动力,作用,机能。 4.(机械装置中)有动作的部分;机械装置[作用]。 5.措施,手段。 6.(演员的)表演;(小说等中的)情节。 7.【法律】诉讼。 8.【军事】战斗,战事。 9.某一地区[场合]内最热闹盛行的活动。 10.〔美口〕刺激性的活动;赌博。 a chemical action 化学作用[反应]。 Take (prompt) action 采取(快速)措施。 Accept action 应战。 An encounter action 遭遇战。 A defensive [an offensive] action 防御[攻击]战。 A-! 【电影】开演! A- stations!【军事】各就各位! Action of the bowels 【医学】通便(作用)。 Action of the first impression 【法律】新诉〔无以前判例可循的诉讼〕。 Be in action 行动中。 Be put out of action 失掉战斗力;(机械等)出毛病,不灵。 Break off an action 停战。 Bring [take] an action against 对…提起诉讼,控告。 Bring [come] into action 使…参加战斗,参战,使开始战斗,开战。 By [under] the action of 在…作用下。 Clear (a ship, or the decks) for action (军舰)准备战斗。 Go into action 开始行动;投入战斗。 Line of action 【物理学】作用线;〔比喻〕活动的形式[方针]。 Man of action 活动家,实行家。 Out of action 损坏;有故障。 Put into [in] action 实行,实施;开动。 See action 加入战斗。 Suit the action to the word 见 suit 条。 Take action (in) 1. 着手,动手,开始。 2. 提起诉讼 (against)。 vt. 古语〕对…提起诉讼。 -er n. (电影的)动作片,打斗片。
  • "action on" 中文翻译 :    作用
  • "by the action of" 中文翻译 :    在...的作用下
  • "in action" 中文翻译 :    在活动, 在运转; 在活动,在运转,在战斗; 在起作用;在积极活动中; 在战斗中
  • "on action" 中文翻译 :    开动
  • "the action" 中文翻译 :    演出
  • "speech-to-speech conversion" 中文翻译 :    语言对语言的转换
  • "the direct speech and indirect speech" 中文翻译 :    直接用语和间接用语
  • "to make a speech, to deliver a speech" 中文翻译 :    做报告
  • "a campaign speech" 中文翻译 :    学生会主席的演讲稿
  • "a clever speech" 中文翻译 :    机敏的谈话
  • "a draft for a speech" 中文翻译 :    讲话草稿
  • "a draught for a speech" 中文翻译 :    一篇演说的草稿
  • "a lengthy speech" 中文翻译 :    洒洒万言
  • "a polished speech" 中文翻译 :    精心炮制的演讲
  • "a rousing speech" 中文翻译 :    激动人心的讲话


  • Lady utterword, a blonde, is very handsome, very well dressed, and so precipitate in speech and action .
  • Thought , speech and action
  • So we have to represent hirm in speech , actions , and thought . at least , speech and actions
  • Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the egyptians and was powerful in speech and action
  • Thats why we must always try to keep our thoughts , speech and actions as pure as we can control them
  • At least , speech and actions . though people do not know much about what you think , but at least your speech , your actions are easy to detect
    虽然别人不知道你的想法,但是别人对你的言行却看得一清二楚。 (原文为英文)
  • At least , speech and actions . though people do not know much about what you think , but at least your speech , your actions are easy to detect
    虽然别人不知道你的想法,但是别人对你的言行却看得一清二楚。 (原文为英文)
  • In addition , we promise to continue praying for world harmony , for your good health and for purity in our thoughts , speech and actions
  • That is why we have to purify our thoughts , speech and actions , and keep the precepts in order to repair our broken - down television and watch it every day
  • As the diamond sutra says , have no attachment and let your hearts be free ! masters daily life , speech and actions are a most precious living scripture that infinitely benefits us disciples
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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